I realized that tenderness in intimate moments was just, or more, important that the passion that is the default in my twin flame relationship; that I’m dateable for many reasons including my positive outlook, desire to explore and yearning to continue learning; I don’t want to give up ...
2021 Leave a comment Non classé sophiethetwinflamejourney FREE EVENT — LION’S GATE PORTAL 8:8 FREE EVENT — LION’S GATE PORTAL 8:8 Hi friends, I’m always so deeply inspired & empowered by the Lion’s Gate energy — and this year I will be offering a Live Energetic TRANSMISSION o...
Saorise Brown says inElephant Journalthat the main purpose of a twin flame relationship is to connect you back to your “higher self, to source and to take you to a higher level of consciousness.” So, if your twin flame is there to help you connect to your higher self, they’ll know...
I know,11.11.11, one of many “twin flame numbers”),on some level, it once felt like destiny for me to write about twin flames.Love, after all, has been such a transformative catalyst for me that I wanted to share my journey with others. ...
The Twin Flame theme runs throughout my novels,click here to check them out Amazon. By Michelle Gordon•Posted inTwin Flames 2 The Twin Flame Retreat Book Launch I have been a whirlwind of activity these last few days, creating a schedule for April of events to celebrate the launch of ...
“All TRUTH passes through 3 stages: 1. First, it is ridiculed. 2. Second, it is violently opposed. 3. Third, it is accepted as “self-evident.”
But personally,as hard as I tried to make the twin flame idea work for me, and as much as I tried to make it a viable, down-to-earth reality, it became increasingly obvious through the years that I had to extricate myself from itcompletely. ...