Twin Falls Chamber directory card icon Directory join pencil icon Join calendar icon Events login lock icon Login We're the largest business organization in Southern Idaho, supporting hundreds of businesses and making it easier to work and live in our part of the state. Whether you want...
Twin Falls Today Luncheon RSVP Here Registration Required Getting theMOSTout of your membership! Chamber 101 is a complimentary new member welcome luncheon that provides information on accessing the Chamber's services, programs and support. Learn More ...
Life is easier in Twin Falls. Our growing community is still small enough to feel friendly, but with the services and amenities of a thriving city. Our cost of living is lower. Our access to the outdoors is greater. And commuting? Well, that’s a matter of minutes rather than hours. ...
The Twin Falls community is growing rapidly, and that is reflected in its people. Here you’ll find a mix of cultures, from refugees who have settled here thanks to the College of Southern Idaho’s respected resettlement program to fifth-generation Idahoans who are descended from the area’s...
Wages and Income.The per capita income in Twin Falls rose 24 percent over the past decade, making it one of the fastest growing economic regions in the state. Average wages range from $12,993 per year in the leisure and hospitality industry to $67,729 per year in the mining industry. ...
in the Twin Falls area. We meet once a month to cultivate leadership development, networking and community involvement. Make sure to follow us onFaceBookto stay up to date on the latest events. Some of our activities include: Hosting professional development events and speakers. ...