Her long-time collaboration with actor Eugene Levy brought her into the now-iconic "Schitt's Creek" series. According to an interview in the Los Angeles Times, she has a strong background in improv and writing, from Second City through the Christopher Guest films. She has won an Emmy and ...
passing the creek, looking up at the mountain, jumping in the water; just kind of having fun. A little playful, a little thoughtful, a little whimsical.” The group’s other singer/guitarist, Clay Frankel, is more succinct: “If someone came up to...
W.K. Kellogg founded the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Co. in 1906. In its cereal brand portfolio today are Special K, Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, and Coco Pops. #31. Pillsbury anythings // Shutterstock #31. Pillsbury - Positive opinion: 76%- Negative opinion: 4%- Ne...
Prior to the installation of the bridge, Pole Line RD dipped into and out of Rock Creek Canyon. While it wasn't the deepest incline in the world, it was enough to cause some grief during winter storms. I know more than a handful of cars that wound up stuck if things got a little t...
Prior to the installation of the bridge, Pole Line RD dipped into and out of Rock Creek Canyon. While it wasn't the deepest incline in the world, it was enough to cause some grief during winter storms. I know more than a handful of cars that wound up stuck if things got a little ...
Zippy Chippy lives now at Old Friends at Cabin Creek, a thoroughbred retirement farm in upstate New York whose owner, Jo Ann Pepper, refers to herself as Zippy’s mom. And here’s the twist: Zippy is so popular that, through donations and merchandise sales, his presence pays for the ...
James himself describes Lookout Low as the product of, “A band just following the tunes down a fucking road in the shire, passing the creek, looking up at the mountain, jumping in the water; just kind of having fun. A little playful, a little thoughtful, a little whimsical.” The grou...