Experience simpler development, quicker time to market, and higher deliverability rates.* See how Message Scheduling, Link Shortening with Click Tracking, advanced data, and real-time dashboards can benefit your business. View demo Customer Deliverability Engine ...
Send and receive text messages across channels with Twilio’s trusted APIs on MessagingX. Support commerce, customers, notifications, and more with two-way, programmable transactional SMS solutions with best-in-class deliverability and scalability.
// 发送文本消息并转换为语音呼叫$message=$client->messages->create('TO_PHONE_NUMBER',// 目标电话号码array('from'=>'YOUR_TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER',// 您的Twilio电话号码'body'=>'Hello, this is a text-to-speech conversion example.'// 要转换的文本消息));echo'Message sent: '.$message-...
1); localIntent1.putExtra("name", "Headset"); sendOrderedBroadcast(localIntent1, "an...
消息文本 (msdyn_messagetext) 消息触发器 (msdyn_systemmessageeventtype) 消息类型 (msdyn_messagetype) 姓名(msdyn_name) 组织ID (organizationid) 状态(statecode) 状态描述 (sttuscode) 小组件 (msdyn_widgetid) 生成架构并保存它。 导出数据并生成压缩 (zip) 文件。 使用配置迁移工具,选...
Text body string Body of the message. From Number from phone Phone number from which the message was sent. To Number to phone Phone number to which the message was sent. Status status string Sent status of the message. SID sid string SID of the sent message. Account Sid account_sid str...
Sign up for a free Twilio account and grab one of our seven official server-side SDKs to get started. Send your first text message, phone call, or email in minutes and when you’re ready to launch your app, upgrade to a pay-as-you-go plan. ...
Learn how the Twilio: Send SMS automation action allows you to engage customers via text message based upon a trigger related to an event that occurs in a connected Airtable base.
生成Twilio API并获取电话号码 要使用Twilio并向您的手机发送OTP请求,您需要身份验证凭据以及Twilio电话号码。为此: 1. 注册一个Twilio账户,访问Twilio控制台。 2. 向下滚动并点击“获取电话号码”按钮。复制已生成的电话号码。 3. 向下滚动到“账户信息”部分。复制“账户SID”和“身份验证令牌”。
twiliogroupchattwilio-chattext-chatrealtime-chat UpdatedNov 26, 2020 JavaScript alexdlaird/twilio-taskrouter-demo Sponsor Star3 The TwilTwil project; ChaCha using Twilio's TaskRouter pythonbootstrapeducationdjangotravis-citwiliodjango-rest-frameworkaws-codedeploychachatwilio-voicetwilio-chattwilio-smstask...