15: Appointment on Route 17 After finishing a heart transplant, a man finds his personality has changed. He also discovers that he has a strange attraction to a waitress at a road diner. Saturday, January 7th, 1989 16: The Cold Equations A shuttle pilot on the outer fringes of space find...
The Twilight Zone is a place that exists at any moment of time, of space or of mind...but always when you least expect it. When you find yourself in this realm of unlimited possibility, be careful what you say or do. The right decisions may help you find your way back out...someti...
Pick the gas station you could find in The Twilight Zone: Pick the alien who’s from The Twilight Zone: Pick the creepy doll you’d find in The Twilight Zone: Pick the William Shatner character you could meet in The Twilight Zone: ...
The Twilight Zone is a place that exists at any moment of time, of space or of mind...but always when you least expect it. When you find yourself in this realm of unlimited possibility, be careful what you say or do. The right decisions may help you find your way back out...someti...