名称:原名Twilight Struggle,又译《晨昏对峙》。评价:桌游网站BGG(相当于电影的IMDB)排名第一作品。2006年IGA(桌游奥斯卡)最佳二人游戏。设计师:Ananda Gupta和Jason Matthews。简介:冷战背景,CDG+点到点地图机制。详见:http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12333/twilight-struggle(展开) 我来说两句 冷战热斗的短...
Twilight Struggle [Board Game Link] Now the trumpet summons us again, not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are – but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle. – John F. Kennedy In 1945, unlikely allies topp...
Download the excellentTwilight Struggle Game Engine. You no longer need to use theAutomated Card Tracking System, but this is still an option. The Excel file now keeps track both the deck of cards in the players' hands, and the board status. ...
商店链接:Twilight Struggle「冷战热斗」| 2016.4.13 发行 关键词:桌游,策略,冷战 语言:不支持中文 多人游戏:支持本地多人,在线多人 开发商:Playdek Games 游戏截图: 宣传视频: 评分: STEAM:84%(特别好评) Metacritic:7.8/10 STEAM玩家评价: sitrock的好评: ...
Good adaptation of the board game. AI, however, is terrible. AI Russians couping Philippines on 1st Action Round of the game with the China Card?!? No one would do that. India-Pakistan War when opponent has no influence in either?!? No one would do that either, unless lack of militar...
最近玩桌游可真上瘾了,几乎每周都要和朋友玩上两把,但是常开的还是以欢乐类桌游为主,比如卡坦岛、三国杀、UNO等等,这对于重口味玩家的我来说,已经渐渐不能满足了。于是上周又入手了不少新桌游,其中就包括这款经典的战棋《冷战热斗(Twilight Struggle)》(以下简称TS)。
推荐一款桌游——Tw..Twilight Struggle (译名:冷战热斗/晨昏对峙)一套以二战结束后美国,苏联冷战、争霸的历史故事作为背景的桌游。BGG综合排名:Board Game Rank: 1War Game Ra
This is usually a more mana-intensive Man O’ War. You’re going to struggle to consistently trigger the draw a card ability. It’s fine, but not great and I wouldn’t go out of my way to accommodate the more difficult casting cost if mana is a bit shaky. ...
http://www.boardgamegeek.com/images/thing/12333 你自己翻翻看吧,太多页了,没玩过该游戏,也不好帮你找 你去这个看下,BGG无所不有的,没有实际上你要的东西的话。你可以去找些贴图片的玩家,问问他们愿不愿意帮你拍点照片,当然要用英文,很多外国玩家都挺好说话的。
Windowed mode displays the GNOME shell around the game window but doesn't scale the game window. The result is that the game window is effectively clipped. Significant Bugs: The Playdek in-game audio chat system is pretty flaky. ► Multiplayer Overall (online):Acceptable Proton experimental Dis...