Edward Cullen- A vampire in the Cullen family who possesses the ability to read most minds, but not Bella's. He is attracted toBella in a predatory manner, but also falls in love with her. CarlisleCullen - The adoptive father of the Cullen and Hale children. Esme Cullen -The wife of ...
Jacob Black, had informed on me about the motorcycle I'd been riding on the sly -- a betrayal he had devised in order to get me grounded so that I couldn't spend time withmy boyfriend(and vampire), Edward Cullen -- Edward had been allowed to see me only from seven till ...
到《月食》(The Twilight Saga: Eclipse),到两部《破晓》(The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn),总共五部,我几乎都是在它们出来之后就看了——当时看的时候其实觉得还好,好像没什么大毛病,也不见得有多好,总之还行;这么多年过去了,我回想起来整个系列,我似乎没有多少残留的记忆。
Edward Cullen- A vampire in the Cullen family who possesses the ability to read most minds, but not Bella's. He is attracted toBella in a predatory manner, but also falls in love with her. CarlisleCullen - The adoptive father of the Cullen ...
暮光之城4: 破晓 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn 作者:斯蒂芬妮·梅尔 (Stephanie Meyer) [美国] 贝拉与爱德华历经磨难终于踏进了婚姻殿堂。婚后爱德华和贝拉去艾思蜜岛上渡蜜月,度过了一段快乐的时光。不久贝拉发现怀孕,蜜月提前结束。狼族担心胎儿会对族人构成威胁决定除掉它。雅各布为保护贝拉离开狼族,连夜警告...
The Twilight Saga___Twilight TheTwilightSaga___Twilight 制作者——李冬 全名:贝拉史旺Bella Swan(IsabellaMarie Swan)贝拉库伦BellaCullen(嫁给Edward之后)昵称:Bella,Bells,Vampiregirl种类:人类(Twilight暮光之城到BreakingDawn破晓的book2)吸血鬼(BreakingDawn破晓的book3)生日:09/13/1987忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子):...
好多年前看过的一个系列,从第一部开始,到《新月》(The Twilight Saga: New Moon),到《月食》(The Twilight Saga: Eclipse),到两部《破晓》(The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn),总共五部,我几乎都是在它们出来之后就看了——当时看的时候其实觉得还好,好像没什么大毛病,也不见得有多好,总之还行;这么多年过...
英国一位49岁的超市员工卡西·沃德(Cathy Ward)是一位《暮光之城》(Twilight Saga)的疯狂粉丝,她不仅像其他粉丝一样疯狂追捧该系列的图书和电影,还把自己的背部纹满了“暮光之城”,作为特殊纪念。她花了2000英镑(约合20000元人民币)找人,耗费22小时完成了这项“艺术大作”。卡西·沃德说她在情绪最低沉的时候,一...
《暮光之城》(Twilight)系列:美得一塌糊涂 (文:火神纪) 好多年前看过的一个系列,从第一部开始,到《新月》(The Twilight Saga: New Moon)...
TheTwilightSaga Itisalovestoryaboutavampireandahumangirl.EdwardCullen,theheroofthefilm.Heisavampire.Jacobs.Heisawerewolf,heisalsoinlovewithBella Bella,theheroineofthefilm.Sheisahumangirl.Twilight BellaSwanmovesfromPhoenix(凤凰城).AftermovingtoForks(福克斯),Bellafindsherselfinvoluntarily(不自觉地)drawntoa...