Twice Upon a Time: Directed by Rachel Talalay. With Peter Capaldi, David Bradley, Pearl Mackie, Mark Gatiss. The Twelfth Doctor, still refusing to change, goes on a last adventure with the First Doctor.
it had a nice deck, and we had great weather, making it the perfect place for the grownups to hang out while the kids knocked themselves out in the back yard. Once both our families were in place, we had Grama and Grampa over to sit on the deck and watch the ...
it means I need to be bathroom adjacent 24/7, so my doctor ordered in-home hydration and a nurse to hook me up for four days. I was so dehydrated the first time
I may need some scientific research material to convince the judge that I am a responsible mother who has made informed decisions regarding the vaccines, and that I have done so because of legitimate concerns regarding the vaccines' safety and effectiveness. Where do I find appropriate material?