《TWICE THE 9TH MINI ALBUM "MORE & MORE" Album Highlight Medley》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
TWICE(트와이스) THE 9TH MINI ALBUM "MORE & MORE" Album Highlight Medley O网页链接 O网页链接 TWICE THE 9TH MINI ALBUM MORE & MORE 2020.06.01 MON 6PM #TWICE##트와이스##MOREandMORE# L199611O1的微博视频 k收起 系统繁忙,请稍候再试吧。(008)...
6月1日在韩国发售的《THE 9TH MINI ALBUM MORE & MORE》的主打歌《MORE & MORE》的日语版也将作为组合歌曲收录于全新日单《Fanfare》中。7月8日《Fanfare》正式在日本发售,22日开始日本宣传行程,日韩几乎同时期回归,真的辛苦兔团了。期待日专上线后,TWICE会有更加火爆的成绩,重新出发的精灵兔团一定要永远走璀...
Meanwhile, TWICE will be returning this June 1 at 6 PM KST with their 9th mini album 'More & More'. The album contains a total of 7 tracks including "More & More", "Oxygen", "Firework", "Make Me Go", "Shadow", "Don't Call Me Again", and "Sweet Summer Day". ...
241125 官推更新一则TWICE 14TH MINI ALBUM"STRATEGY"STRATEGY Concept Video 1, 视频播放量 2140、弹幕量 0、点赞数 403、投硬币枚数 8、收藏人数 33、转发人数 1, 视频作者 瑜宝再再惠, 作者简介 每天都可爱漂亮的子子懵^o^,相关视频:【周子瑜】241122子瑜TWICE JAPAN 5
【专辑试听】TWICE THE 9TH MINI ALBUM "MORE & MORE" Album Highlight Medley 3330 14 6:52 App TWICE - DEPEND ON YOU 丨TIME100 Talks 1.2万 7 17:27 App kpop最伟大的作品九首 900 -- 0:36 App 今日份的欢乐兔瓦斯~ 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
而且,6月1日在韩国发售的《THE 9TH MINI ALBUM MORE & MORE》的主打歌《MORE & MORE》的日语版也将作为组合歌曲收录其中。《Fanfare》是一首想要让世界充满能量,大步向前的歌曲,在歌曲表演中能够看到充满活力的TWICE。这是一个想要让看到这个作品的人通过娱乐的力量拥有快乐积极心情的作品。(编译:薛溢香 校对...
Twice, still growing in their 9th year. The album is really amazing, one of their best so far. Rush and New New are my favorites! Proud of watching the girls blossom into the women that they are today, since the very beginning. 14 (+17 / -3) Share SHOW ALL COMMENTSallkpop...
On October 7, 2015, JYP launched the group's official website and announced on social media that the group would debut with the mini album The Story Begins with "Like Ooh-Ahh" as the title track. On October 20, the album and the song's music video were released online on October 20...