The meaning of TWENTY-FOUR is being one more than 23 in number. How to use twenty-four in a sentence.
The meaning of TWENTY-TWENTY is meeting a standard of normal visual acuity. How to use twenty-twenty in a sentence.
The meaning of TWENTY-NINE is being one more than 28 in number. How to use twenty-nine in a sentence.
The meaning of TWENTY-SIXTH is being number 26 in a countable series. How to use twenty-sixth in a sentence.
The meaning of TWENTY-NINTH is being number 29 in a countable series. How to use twenty-ninth in a sentence.
The meaning of TWENTY-EIGHT is being one more than 27 in number. How to use twenty-eight in a sentence.
The meaning of TWENTY QUESTIONS is a game in which one player or team tries to determine from yes and no answers to not more than 20 questions what word or object the others have chosen to be guessed.
The meaning of TWENTY-THIRD is being number 23 in a countable series. How to use twenty-third in a sentence.
Livia Gershon, JSTOR Daily, 28 Jan. 2025 All twenty-two recommendations that cleared this seventy-five-per-cent threshold were presented in November to the Bend City Council, the county commissioners, and a body of formerly homeless young people called the Central Oregon Youth Action Board. Nick...
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