This is also the reason why SFdebris’ videos were targetted instead of the many, many full episodes of Star Trek you can easily find on youtube. The former has become well known, the latter isn’t. Reply Chibi C'thulhu says: Tuesday May 24, 2011 at 2:32 am That is quite possi...
week, Donald Trump commented on “Fox and Friends” about the “crazy” things the Democrats proposed in the recently enacted economic recovery bill: “They had things – levels of voting – that if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have another Republican elected in this country again....
it’s old to me. I don’t want to just do that,” he said in the interview. “I want to talk to our fans through a record. That’s what I’m currently working on. Right before I got on the call, I was working on a new idea. I’m excited about...