Using the relatively conservative estimates of nominal GDP calculated at currency exchange rates (rather than purchasing power parity, which boosts the estimates of some countries) from the IMF’s World Economic Outlook Database, the United States remained the world’s largest economy. China’s was...
A month or so ago, before I was digging into things, I didn’t think he was that bad: ‘not my first choice, but OK’; since then it’s become clear that he’s allied with the overall movement to push SF more conservative. His attack ads against Dean Preston are just gross, ...
I used the Calculator and then moved on to create a Risk Tracker spreadsheet for myself and to have my two pod-mates make one for their ‘fully vaccinated’ selves (with a different weekly risk budget than my very very conservative one). This has been ...
Japan soon became identified with the more radical modernizing forces within the Korean government, while China continued to sponsor the conservative officials gathered around the royal family. In 1884 a group of pro-Japanese reformers attempted to overthrow the Korean government, but Chinese troops und...
Former GOP state party chair, Brian Reisinger, said this: “There’s serious concern on the conservative side that the liberals are changing the rules in the middle of the election and tilting them toward their favor,” though the reference to “the middle of” is a feint: timing is not ...
Although the Iranian conservative deep state fought back as much as it could against this liberal wave, by closing some newspapers and violently clapping down on pro- democracy student demonstrations, the nail in the coffin of Khatami's diplomatic agenda eventually came from abroad. It came from ...