Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) is a worldwide, million-member organization that has assisted countless alcoholics to achieve sobriety through a spiritual program of recovery from alcoholism. Based on spiritual principles known as the "Twelve S... EM Mcgee - 《Journal of Holistic Nursing Official Journal...
The psychological and spiritual principles of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics AnonymousMason, Daniel Aloysius
Of or being a program designed to assist in the recovery from addiction or compulsive behavior, especially a spiritually oriented program based on the principles of acknowledging one's personal insufficiency and accepting help from a higher power. ...
Their treatment is based on the twelve-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous, and in their wills they attribute their success in recovery to a willingness to adopt religious or spiritual principles to guide them to make better choices. Wisdom Under the Bridge The first group advocates "nothing else...
12) Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. I live by these steps and get better. I try to help other addicts. ...
Twelve step programs uses the Alcoholic Anonymous principles of helping those who wish to stop drinking as a community. The effectiveness is predictably related to cost effectiveness, social support for relapse prevention with recovery focus-based spiritual reflection, cohesive network with peers who are...
ofourselves. Ineedtolookatmylife. IadmitallIdidwrong. 5 AdmittedtoGod, toourselvesandtoanother humanbeingtheexact natureofourwrongs. 6 Wereentirelyready tohaveGodremove allthesedefectsofcharacter. Iwanttobefree. IaskaHigherPower tohelpmebefree. 7 HumblyaskedHimto removeourshortcomings. 8 Madealist...
In the United States, the contemporary standard of care for medical treatment programs centers on the twelve-step model of recovery; however, long-term, relapse-free sobriety is frequently unrealized. The spiritual鈥搑eligious foundation of AA and the limited, pejorative nature of its morally ...
Conway N.A Spiritual Transformations: An Art Therapy Program Design Utilizing twelve Step and Rogerian Principles.USA:Ursuline College 1999:45- 61 [17]Sylwester R.The neurobiology of self-esteem and aggression. Educ Leadership . 1997CONWAY N A. Spiritual transformations: An art t...