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It's been a hot second since thelast timewe checked in on Javi and the gang in season 3 ofTelltale's The Walking Deadseries. The second episode left us with quite a cliff hanger having found Javi's brother, David, as one of the leaders of the New Frontier group. This third episode...
Fear the Walking Dead season 5, episode 5, "The End of Everything" introduces Isabelle, a member of the CRM organization (otherwise known as the three circle group), and she temporarily takes Althea captive. While Isabelle resupplies and searches for Althea's videotape, the two of them disc...
附几个官方幕后访谈视频: 1、《Inside Episode 213 The Walking Dead: Beside The Dying Fire》——演员访谈:关于人物性格的转变 2、《The Cast Looks Ahead: Inside The Walking Dead》——演员访谈:关于最后一集
The episode culminates in a moment that I certainly never saw coming. The episode was written by Matt Negrete and was directed by Tricia Brock. Both are new to The Walking Dead and neither has a background in horror, yet the episode fits seamlessly into rhythm of the season.I 3楼2013-...
InFear the Walking Dead's “Mother” episode, Alicia’s road trip with Dakota (Zoe Colletti) andTeddy (John Glover)was interrupted by the return of Cole (Sebastian Sozzi), a minor character from season 4 and a former member of Madison’s community. It was believed that he had died durin...