with world-renowned actors and directors joining the judges’ panel, raising the stakes to hellish new heights. Every episode promises spine-chilling, extreme physical feats that will push the cast of drag superstars to confront their darkest fears. This ...
Heading in this direction would build the foundation for the return of Fear the Walking Dead’s cast in future projects, specifically a Walking Dead crossover. Since Strand, Luciana, Dwight, and Daniel have been in June’s company for years, there are people who would have cause to come to...
附几个官方幕后访谈视频: 1、《Inside Episode 213 The Walking Dead: Beside The Dying Fire》——演员访谈:关于人物性格的转变 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFEAX4sZIx8 2、《The Cast Looks Ahead: Inside The Walking Dead》——演员访谈:关于最后一集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCueht5l...