原视频链接: far from who I want to be听译自制中英字幕禁转(打了码应该能过审吧)一直想做个Carol的剪辑但是懒得下素材,偶然在油管看到的卡妈的剪辑,感觉很棒就翻了一下(渣翻233)喜欢的点赞关注转发
安全扣是解开的,说明娃是被抱走的,逃过一劫。 现在团队分散了,目测Tyreese那队会遇到Carol,因为Rick没来得及告诉Ty是谁杀了Karen,所以Ty和Carol之间明显有戏。编剧很可能给Carol一个拯救众人的机会,正好和Ty冰释前嫌,也可以顺利归队(这样就好了哎)。 Daryl和Beth一组,目测Bethyl要欢呼了。 预计第四季大概就是四拨...
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第五季和carol单独睡一个房间,一点火花都没有。反而是他对哥哥和rick的情怀很深,所以极度怀疑他的同性恋倾向。最后点兵我自己排了一下,大概就在aaron(同性恋小哥)周围。鉴于有几个词的误差,也不妄下定论。Aaron 虽然不是主角,观众没有那么的在意,但在剧中他的角色挺重要的,作为rick小队和alexandirans居民的...
AMC has made its Emmy submissions forThe Walking Deadfranchise, but some of the network’s choices left fans puzzled. Although these are not the final Emmy nominations, they are the network’s submissionsfornominations. And oddly enough, Melissa McBride (Carol), Alycia Debnam-Carey (Alicia), ...
TWD 120话 简直太刺激了! 来自: Jimmy(水无常形, 兵无常势.)2014-02-11 22:35:19 Rick昏倒, Carol被炸伤. 棍棒男反击时刻. 顿时觉得手雷真心是大杀器!赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 米琼恩 (看透别说透,继续做朋友。) 2014-02-11 22:55:06 还有呢!?!?!? 赞 回复 Jimmy (水无常形, 兵...
15 carol twd edit 6 人观看 0:19 at edit 99 人观看 0:38 twd edit 10 人观看 0:12 chris moltisanti and Jessie pinkman 37 人观看 0:11 futurama edit 6 人观看 0:11 futurama edit 4 人观看 0:33 ( 3 人观看 0:10 Maggie simpson edit 12 人观看 0:26 at edit 18 人观看 0:18 the ...
【#行尸资讯#】 最新:2023年AMC推出《TWD》系列【衍生剧】作品《达里尔与卡罗尔》故事消息! 媒体报道已确定【女演员】Melissa McBride饰演【卡罗尔】Carol Peletier角色将退出该【衍生剧】故事系列作品! 太...
AMC’s The Walking Dead Supply Drop official sticker pack includes iconic characters and walkers from the TV series like Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Alpha, Carol, Negan and more. Reanimate your conversation with these 25 static stickers! Stickers include: Rick – I’m Doing Stuff Daryl – Sorry Br...
carol the walking dead merle dixon zombies rude twd the walking dead 100 500 the governor the walking dead twd daryl dixon season 1 the walking dead daryl dixon twd rick twd the walking dead alone daryl dixon twd carl grimes the walking dead ...