Large language models (LLMs) are emerging which can help us in tasks like text summarization, translation, question answering, etc and OpenAI’s ChatGPT is one of the state-of-art models which is available via its web or API interfaces. ChatGPT can be useful for document management. One ...
(6)YOUR AI CO-CREATOR.Andrew Mayne discusses the broader implications of“Collaborative Creative Writing with OpenAI’s ChatGPT”. Daniel Dern pundits, “This is what happens when ChatBots spend too much time playing Colossal Cave (aka ‘Adventure’).” tl;dr: You can use OpenAI’s ChatGPT ...
47、ber.dwContainerSize = sizeof(TW_ENUMERATION) + ( sizeof(TW_STR32) *unNumItems);hContainer = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, dwContainerSize );if(hContainer)pEnum = (pTW_ENUMERATION) GlobalLock(hContainer);if(pEnum)pEnum-ItemType = TWTY_STR32;pEnum-NumItems = unNumItems;GlobalUnlock(hContainer...
The first TW_STR32 item shall be located// immediately after the pEnum-DefaultIndex member.dwContainerSize = sizeof(TW_ENUMERATION) + ( sizeof(TW_STR32) *unNumItems);hContainer = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, dwCon 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0