Equipped with 37mm USD suspension for improved handling and comfort and Dual-Channel ABS for sharp braking, it offers unmatched performance while ensuring greater stability and agility. With an LED headlamp and taillamp, race-inspired digital cluster, and adjustable levers, it is built to surge ...
不过,量产版TVS Zeppelin可能将不具备概念版本中所见的仿生钥匙和皮带驱动器。此外,摩托车的悬架系统可以与TVS Apache RTR 200 4V共享,以降低成本。TVS Zeppelin上市之后将与Bajaj Dominar 250,Husqvarna Vitpilen 250和Bajaj Avenger 220竞争。 2.TVS Apache RR 310 完全成熟的TVS Apache RR 310的街车版本有望具有相...
3 TVS Apache RTR 160 4V SMARTXCONNECT SD 159.7cc Tk. 219900 Details 4 TVS Apache RTR 160 RACE EDITION ABS 159.7cc Tk. 194999 Details 5 TVS Apache RTR 160 Race Edition SD 159.7cc Tk. 189999 Details 6 TVS Apache RTR 4V ABS 159.7cc Tk. 247900 Details 7 TVS Jupiter 109.7cc Tk. 137900...
除功率和扭矩输出数量外,行驶模式还影响ABS干预。雨天模式具有最大的ABS干预,而运动和赛道模式具有最小的干预。骑行模式和ABS设置是预设的,并且无法自定义。TVS汽车还在其旗舰摩托车中增加了以前,在BS-VI Apache RTR 200 4V和RTR 160 4V上看到的穿越交通(GTT)技术。但是,BS-VI Apache RR 310上的系统是该...
Launch of ABS The first ever Indian motorcycle with ABS – the TVS Apache RTR 180 with Dual Channel ABS – was launched. The ABS delivered unmatched safety and gave racers the confidence to push themselves to the limit like never before. ...
除功率和扭矩输出数量外,行驶模式还影响ABS干预。雨天模式具有最大的ABS干预,而运动和赛道模式具有最小的干预。骑行模式和ABS设置是预设的,并且无法自定义。 TVS汽车还在其旗舰摩托车中增加了以前,在BS-VI Apache RTR 200 4V和RTR 160 4V上看到的穿越交通(GTT)技术。但是,BS-VI Apache RR 310上的系统是该技术...
Launch of ABS The first ever Indian motorcycle with ABS – the TVS Apache RTR 180 with Dual Channel ABS – was launched. The ABS delivered unmatched safety and gave racers the confidence to push themselves to the limit like never before. ...
TVS Creon概念车的钻石切割合金轮毂,装有TVS Remora无内胎轮胎。制动器是盘式制动器,但仅配备单通道ABS而不是双通道ABS。此外,照明系统全部为LED,据称座椅下的存储空间足够大,可以存储全盔。 5. TVS Entorq 210 这款概念摩托车的最高时速达到了120 km / h!2016年德里汽车博览会的主题是TVS的性能车型,该公司在...
Apache RTR 1604v with BSVI, RTFI, SmartXonnect and Ride modes. This is the first in segment ride modes which is available as well in Apache RTR 200 4V as well. There are 3 Ride modes, Urban Mode, Sport Mode and Rain Mode. These ride modes changes your bike power and ABS response....
The offer price after cashback is ৳266,999 Apache RTR 160 4V ABS (Red & Blue) -Bangla...English New Bike of TVS Apache series is coming to Shake the Road! Recently, some teasers have been released from the Facebook page of TVS Bangladesh. At the end of the teaser is the Apache...