比如index.html文件中包含<LINK href=”some.css”>,在HTTP/1中,必须先下载完index.html,才能去下载some.css,这是两个RTT的时间。但在HTTP/2中,服务器可以通过2个stream,同时并行传送index.html和some.css,节约了一半的时间。 其实当出现丢包时,HTTP2的stream并行发送会严重退化,因为TCP的队头阻塞问题没有解决...
StreamNative 联合创始人 北京 毕业于中科院计算所, StreamNative联合创始人。在此之前任职于 EMC,是北京 EMC 实时处理平台的技术负责人。主要从事实时计算和分布式存储系统的相关开发,在开源项目 Apache BookKeeper, Apache Pulsar 等项目中持续贡献代码。是开源项目 Apache Pulsar 和 Apache BookKeeper 的 PMC 成员和 Com...
比如index.html 文件中包含<LINK href=”some.css”>,在HTTP/1中,必须先下载完index.html,才能去下载some.css,这是两个RTT的时间。但在HTTP/2中,服务器可以通过2个stream,同时并行传送index.html和some.css,节约了一半的时间。 其实当出现丢包时,HTTP2的stream并行发送会严重退化,因为TCP的队头阻塞问题没有解决。
DO NOT REMOVE OR SKIP THE ISSUE TEMPLATE I understand that I will be blocked if I intentionally remove or skip any mandatory* field Checklist I'm reporting that yt-dlp is broken on a supported site I've verified that I have updated yt-dl...
download a base link (to m3u8 of mpd stream) extract a possible quality to any video form m3u8 of mpd file*, match a quality to HTTP quality code (2 to lowest quality etc.) print a result in -F response or use it to download with -f x request All done :) Provide verbose output...
在System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader 下 cmdBehavior、 RunBehavior runBehavior、 returnStream 的 boolean 类型的值 (字符串方法,DbAsyncResult 结果) 在System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery (DbAsyncResult 结果、 方法名称的字...
[MS-TDS]: Tabular Data Stream Protocol [MS-TDS]: Tabular Data Stream Protocol 1 Introduction 2 Messages 3 Protocol Details 4 Protocol Examples 4 Protocol Examples 4.1 Pre-Login Request 4.2 Login Request 4.3 Login Request with Federated Authentication 4.4 Login Response 4.5 Login Response with Feder...
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ByuN played his first GSL game yesterday since his return from the military service. This post discusses the Engineering Bay block expand opening that he used multiple times against his Protoss opponents. Build order I am going to first list the build or
12 SLES043A May 2006 Functional Description 3.12 VBI FIFO and Ancillary Data in Video Stream Sliced VBI data can be output as ancillary data in the video stream in the ITU−R BT.656 mode. VBI data is output during the horizontal blanking period following the line from which the data was...