10, Linux, Windows Includes two GbE channels for base fabric; two 1 GbE and 10 GbE channels for extended fabric; two RS-232 serial ports routed to the front and rear; two USB portsSun Netra CP3260 ATCA Blade Six-, or eight-core UltraSPARC T2 processors with eight threads per core Chip...
ADS新一代媒体资产管理系统 济南禾力山东群晖NAS存储DS1618+ 群晖RS2418+ 企业级 机架式存储设... IBM 85Y6189 V7000存储硬... 华录小型蓝光光盘库—CA-BH10 数据采集盒 < > 产品推荐 企业存储备份解决方案 企业容灾备份 数据... 惠普存储 菲尼克斯存储设备QUINT-BAT/24... ...
10, Linux, Windows Includes two GbE channels for base fabric; two 1 GbE and 10 GbE channels for extended fabric; two RS-232 serial ports routed to the front and rear; two USB portsSun Netra CP3260 ATCA Blade Six-, or eight-core UltraSPARC T2 processors with eight threads per core Chip...