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TVBS Media Inc. began its broadcast through satellite DTH and local cable systems onSeptember 28, 1993. As the very first privately owned broadcaster, it broke the decades-long oligopoly of the three state-owned terrestrial television stations in theTaiwanmarket. The debut of...
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演唱会21日晚间18时登场,由丘与乐乐团、杨培安、艾怡良、关诗敏及强辩乐团等18组阵容轮番上阵,由超视直播,新北旅客Youtube和好事联播网同步播出,新浪亦将在大中华区转播。▲丁当笑称会加强安全措施。(图/超视) yueisaac 口若悬河 13 小布阿汤哥相隔20年再度合作 破除不合传言阿汤哥(左)和小布继《夜访吸血鬼》...
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I hope its better than Love Contract and Devil Beside You Top ct1111 Posts: 8 Joined: Feb 14th, '06, 07:34 Post by ct1111 » Mar 29th, '06, 13:57 Can someone tell me why is he called He Xiao mei in taiwan? We all know that he's name is He Jun xiang, but why the ...
i'm watching this through youtube without understanding a thing they say. but i just deduce what happened through their acting. it's really cute! Posted:Jul 31st, '06, 17:35 byisbes83 plus the main song is really nice.does anyone know the titles of the song and where i can download...
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