將藍牙耳機連接到三星電視後,您就可以在不打擾其他人的情況下欣賞電視節目。 和朋友一起玩遊戲時,您也可以將兩台藍牙耳機同時連接上三星電視,享受身臨其境的電玩世界 介紹雙聲道功能 雙聲道功能可讓您將兩個藍牙裝置與一台電視同時配對。 這樣您就可以同時配對兩個藍牙耳機或兩台藍牙音響。
With Bluetooth, connect your LED TV to various devices such as bluetooth speakers, headphones, game consoles etc. Wirelessly stream sound directly from TV to bluetooth compatible sound system such as home audio, head phone and portable speaker for a great audio experience. ...
Experience seamless audio with MEE audio Connect Bluetooth Transmitter Adapter for TV. Connects to 2 headphones!
With Bluetooth, connect your LED TV to various devices such as Bluetooth Speakers, headphones, game consoles etc. Wirelessly stream sound directly from TV to Bluetooth compatible sound system such as home audio, head phone and portable speaker for a great audio experience. ...
How to connect Bluetooth headphones to your Google TV player Option 3: Use a Bluetooth adapter for your TV If your TV and streaming media player don't come with built-in Bluetooth, it's easy to add Bluetooth with a simple adapter. The adapter plugs into your TV's audio out, whether it...
Can I use Bluetooth headphones, speakers, and soundbars with my Android TV or Google TV?You can connect Bluetooth® devices such as headphones or speakers and enjoy TV sound through those devices if the TV supports the Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP). Check the device specifications...
➔ Set the Bluetooth device you want to connect to the standby mode.1. Open the lid with the Ear Bud installed on the charging station. 2. The blue battery status indicator at the front will flicker. 3. If the blue battery status indicator does not flicker, or if you want to ...
➔ Set the Bluetooth device you want to connect to the standby mode.1. Open the lid with the Ear Bud installed on the charging station. 2. The blue battery status indicator at the front will flicker. 3. If the blue battery status indicator does not flicker, or if you want ...
FAQ for Samsung television. Find more about How to connect Bluetooth headphones to my Samsung Smart TV with Samsung Support.
With Bluetooth, connect your LED TV to various devices such as bluetooth speakers, headphones, game consoles etc. Wirelessly stream sound directly from TV to bluetooth compatible sound system such as home audio, head phone and portable speaker for a great audio experience. ...