The show often uses various tropes or patterns from cartoons or other series: The popular "Wilhelm scream" sound effect is used in a number of episodes: "Home", "The Rise of the Great Devourer," "The Last Hope", "Rise of the Spinjitzu Master", "The Surge", "The Greatest Fear of ...
I suppose this is because it tropes prophecy (itself notoriously unreliable), prediction, planning and so on; variously arid and intellectual exercises, in most cases. But time travel to the past tropes memory, and memory, in its tyranny as well as its pliability and intermittency, always haunt...
(Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) as she navigates friendship, young love, and academic life following the sudden death of her father. It highlights all of your favorite teen tropes — fromfrenemy love trianglesandhot bad boysto will-they-won't-they romances. And lucky for any first-time viewers, the ...
Futuramawasn’t necessarily revolutionary, but it did everything well. It poked fun at familiar tropes while feeling fairly familiar itself. It was a hi-fiSimpsonswith a loveable sitcom cast. It was funny, but not paralyzingly so, and emotional, but not disturbingly so. It was, simply, a ...
(Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) as she navigates friendship, young love, and academic life following the sudden death of her father. It highlights all of your favorite teen tropes — fromfrenemy love trianglesandhot bad boysto will-they-won't-they romances. And lucky for any first-time viewers, the ...
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