So, yeah. Another show that seems interesting but just didn't quite know where to go with itself, falling back on way too many tropes and ultimately showing it knew how to intrigue but no idea how to follow through, whether by reveals or just by keeping us in the dark. ...
A dark thriller set in the woods, “Resvrgis” mixes local mythology with genre tropes. “It is a violent poem that takes your breath away and strikes at the heart,” stated Carnescchi. “A dark thriller that focuses on Italian mythology, mixing it with pop-culture and horror codes. ...
As if public posting of vicious antisemitic tropes for years, here on ground zero of the Holocaust in a country where 96.4% of the Jewish population was massacred, is a minor detail and “learning not to post” such things fixes all in the eyes of EU, America and the West, and above...
A dark thriller set in the woods, “Resvrgis” mixes local mythology with genre tropes. “It is a violent poem that takes your breath away and strikes at the heart,” stated Carnescchi. “A dark thriller that focuses on Italian mythology, mixing it with pop-culture and horror codes. ...