The key to their appeal lies in the distinctive blend of traditional and innovative comedic tropes, coupled with uniquely British ideas and themes. The allure of these British comedies often lies in their depiction of everyday life through a humorous lens, seasoned with an array of popular ...
Soap, a groundbreaking sitcom from the late 70s, cleverly satirized soap opera tropes with its outrageous storylines and larger-than-life characters. The show follows the lives of two sisters and their respective families, the Tates and the Campbells, navigating through infidelity, amnesia, alien ab...
We have so many tropes here in this unexpectedly-spirited new arrival on BBC in early 2022.We have the knowledgeable religious person (a nun who originated in series one of "Father Brown")We have some kind of reverse Windrush Generation for 1960 - a detective from the West Indies, transfer...
TV Tropes, the all-devouring pop-culture wiki, catalogs and cross-references recurrent plot devices, archetypes, and tropes in all forms of media.
Jan 6, 2006 Permalink 10/10 Wow! Nearly as good as the movie! A great teaser for the movie that will make anyone rush to the theatres on opening day. Great special fx, original ideas, impressive cast, smart plot, improvements to the original X-men all greatly help to make this an in...
Following Clone Force 99 in the immediate aftermath of Order 66, Star Wars: The Bad Batch captivated audiences with its focus on found family tropes, iconic story connections, and rich lore firmly rooted in the Star Wars universe.Tech’s Death in Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2The series...
I can't recall the show doing a good job of demonstrating the pitfalls of hypocrisy and other truly educational matters, unlike Family Ties.It's been a long time since I saw this, but it was similar to Full House, another show that I found unwatchable because of the bland characters ...
I envy all of you who will watch as Lorelai (Lauren Graham), her daughter Rory (Alexis Bledel) and family matriarch Emily (the incomparable Kelly Bishop) honestly portray three generations of strong women. It’s the only show you can watch with your teenage daughter and your mother and be...
A found family comedy, teen drama, and feminist fantasy story all rolled into one, Buffy the Vampire Slayer built a singular TV world that’s endlessly fun to revisit. Of course, the cracks in the show’s oversimplified girl-power ideology show more with age – and in light of everything...
Netflix'sBreaking Bad-esque family crime thriller was popular before the pandemic – then the arrival of a new season in 2020 seemed to supercharge interest in the show. Jason Bateman plays Marty Byrde, a financial advisor who drags his family to the Missouri Ozarks in order to launder hundr...