They bring to life popular tropes of comedic misunderstanding, spontaneous shenanigans, and hilarious personality clashes within the domicile. From enduring friendships formed against the backdrop of New York City apartments to the humorous chaos ensuing from unlikely cohabitation scenarios, these si...
In a time before shows about dysfunctional families like "Married...With Children" and "Roseanne" (good shows in their own way) "Growing Pains" showed a reasonably functional family in a basically caring environment, Mike's constant put-downs of Carol being his way of handling the affection ...
It's not real life or a documentary. I enjoyed the dysfunctional family dynamics and I lived for Sudha and little Vinod's characters.Sudha, the mum, is played by Sindhu Vee who is a hilarious stand-up comedian in the UK (if you don't know her, she's worth looking up)It's a fun...
The War at Home attempted to break into an already saturated market: sitcoms about dysfunctional families. We’ve all seen so many of them that the tropes are tired, and the jokes have been rehashed so many times we can see them coming long before the laugh track te...
Soap, a groundbreaking sitcom from the late 70s, cleverly satirized soap opera tropes with its outrageous storylines and larger-than-life characters. The show follows the lives of two sisters and their respective families, the Tates and the Campbells, navigating through infidelity, amnesia, alien ab...
‘The House of Flowers,’ created by Manolo Caro, is a captivating Mexican dark comedy-drama series on Netflix, widely acclaimed for its unique blend of humor, drama, and intricate storytelling. This genre-defying show revolves around the dysfunctional de la Mora family, who runs a prestigious...
Joanne's dysfunctional family was portrayed as kind of dumb and shallow. There was an effort to explain her current-life problems and past emotional trauma, but I think it was not well executed.What I really don't get is why Noah wanted to be with Joanne so badly. There was some ...
What it is: An adaptation of Gerard Way’s Dark Horse Comics series of the same name, The Umbrella Academy follows a “dysfunctional family of superheroes” who, as children, were adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Now estranged adults, the family reunites to solve the mystery of Harg...
The Fox sitcom was, on its face, a standard multi-camera sitcom about a dysfunctional family and the colorfully zany characters that breezed in and out of their suburban enclosure. At the same time, it bucked contemporary genre conventions, daring to push the boundaries of acceptable behavior ...
Emergency Hospital is a mad spoof medical comedy, set in an establishment actually called “Emergency Hospital!”, complete with the exclamation mark. The humour is wacky and heightened, sending up the tropes of TV medical dramas, with the characters playing it straight. Download...