Breaking Bad Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn 200 votes Breaking Bad showcases a stunning transformation from an ordinary high school chemistry teacher to a feared drug lord, embracing classic organized crime tropes and delivering a uniquely compelling storyline. The series follows Wa...
horroranthologytelevisionseries created by producersRyan Murphyand Brad Falchuk for the FX network. The first season premiered in 2011, mixing gore and supernatural scares with the worst impulses of human behavior, historic true crime, elements of Americanmoral panics, andiconichorror-genre tropes....
The Haunting of Hill House is a modern masterpiece in horror television that takes familiar tropes – like haunted houses and ghostly apparitions – and elevates them through intricate storytelling and rich character development. Its powerful exploration of family dynamics, grief, and lo...
You could get annoyed when you see another trope recycled, but you could also enjoy it. We’ve made a handy checklist of some of our favorite detective show tropes, with a list of where to find each one. 17Detective with Relationship Problems DR A true classic. How many times have you ...
'Danger 5' is an attempt at an absurdist spoof of the myriad spy, war, and action movie tropes in our cultural consciousness. However in execution the show is a bizarre, self-indulgent and disjointed mess that never quite makes it to being clever or satirical and fails to make any more...
It’s not an adaptation of the iconic series from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, but rather a sequel that lovingly remixes many of the comic’s tropes and character archetypes. The result is a series that not only lives up to the lofty source material, but actually manages to enhance it. ...
end his own life after being downtrodden at work. YetCorporatealways shines a light at the end of its diatribes, with genuine, surprising friendships forming between unlikely coworkers, showing that beneath the company line and bitter emails, your boss is a human just like you. –Tim Surette...
The show often uses various tropes or patterns from cartoons or other series: The popular "Wilhelm scream" sound effect is used in a number of episodes: "Home", "The Rise of the Great Devourer," "The Last Hope", "Rise of the Spinjitzu Master", "The Surge", "The Greatest Fear of ...
Woodlands Dark, possibly because the tropes of the erotic thriller were more codified, so there’s less “feature creep” in exploring them, but also because the central question ofWe Kill for Love—why don’t they make ‘em like this anymore?—makes the documentary something of a mystery ...
7/10 The Hook Spoiler Helpful•16 5 bobcobb301 Mar 10, 2023 Permalink 7/10 Another escape, another problem Spoiler Helpful•7 7 AvionPrince16 Mar 10, 2023 Permalink Aptly titled, unfortunately Spoiler Helpful•12 30 BLAlley Mar 10, 2023 ...