In the '90s, the comedy genre saw a seismic shift in its side-splitting landscape with the emergence of a certain over-the-top, zany comic by the name of Jim Carrey. He had Ace Ventura, Fletcher Reede, the Cable Guy, but more beloved than all is Lloyd Christmas—for us, anyway. Pai...
the original so good; firstly the key plot points are slowly revealed over the course of many interactions between characters in the original. For example: In the or first we do not find out Vash has a bionic arm and get the first clue that Vash is more than an oddball pretending to ...
the evening. However, the miniseries, executive produced byMike Nichols, did not compete with broadcast fare. HBO has seen better results from some of its original films, includingHysterical Blindnesslast year, butBlindnessbenefited from havingSex and the Cityas a lead-in. Another cable miniseries...
Yukinobu Tatsu steered clear of many typical shonen tropes in Dandadan, but the training arc isn’t one of them. The training arcs mark an important point in the journey of shonen characters. and the central duo in Dandadan experienced it fairly early on in the story. Without a specific ...
Like... when you get the reveal, it doesn't make you go "uh, if you had revealed this in episode 2, there'd be no conflict at all". Or, as TV Tropes calls it "Idiot Plot". But, without knowing what you're actually referring to... You may as well be yelling about turnips ...
in the numbers. Gordon and his writers clearly focused on subverting typical tropes and twists to make this season feel fresh. The inevitable mole's motivations actually make sense. The bureaucrats are less stubborn. People put two and two together much quicker to see the setup before their ...
Being part of the Big 3 is no small feat and Naruto has made its mark on the world time and again. The series helped not just establish many different tropes but also inspired some of the biggest works to come later in the future....
When we talk about retro anime, two or three things come to mind: the anime's time of release, visual techniques, and genre tropes. After all, retro anime often reflects character archetypes and distinctive art styles prevalent during the time of their production. See full article at Epic...
The trailer sets up some standard tropes such as mysterious markings on rocks and forbidden entryways that we all know will only bring about trouble (have these guys not seen The Descent?) before showing that Malibu Horror Story will try to play with the found footage subgenre by bouncing ...