The Final Straw is a game-changer in the world of quiz shows with its eco-conscious theme and thought-provoking challenges. Contestants are tasked with solving Earth's environmental issues, and the show, guided by the impassioned Jeremy Swift, has left an impact on viewers by highlighting the...
13/13! easy quiz. Like Reply Cougar90 19 months ago 7/13. I knew I wouldn't get the theme from Welcome Back, Kotter. The song wasn't any good then and it's not any good now. Like Reply Gayleistoons 34 months ago 8/13🤗 Like Reply RosalindLeeWheeler 40 months ago...
Britannica Quiz Pop Culture Quiz 1 of 2 Edward G. RobinsonEdward G. Robinson inLittle Caesar(1931). 2 of 2 Howard Hawks:ScarfacePaul Muni (center) in the filmScarface(1932), directed by Howard Hawks. Warner Brothers became known for its tightly budgeted, technically competent entertainment fi...
Also ranks #9 on The Best 80s Cartoon Theme Songs Also ranks #11 on The Existentially Bleak Observations About 14 Classic Cartoons IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 21 Between the Lions Ruth Westheimer, Fred Newman, Kathryn Mullen 29 votes Between the Lions was a PBS Kids puppet television series designed ...
The silver screen format of our favourite heroes or the feature length of our favour series :) This is dedicated to feature films / series pilot or even series finale :)
Rumble Music is a creative music agency based in London. For over 20 years we have produced and delivered music for hundreds of media productions: theme tunes and incidental music for well-known TV shows, sonic branding and music tracks for TV and radio commercials, and custom music packages ...
The opening also gets real catchy this time and is a big step up over the season 1 theme song which never really caught on for me. The animation is also really solid here. They have fun with the chibi gags which hold up really well and then for the fights there is a whole lot to...
For all true Orange is the New Black fans!, guess tons of questions and see how much you know about the show! Remember your favorite times of each episode with hundreds of questions, from easy to difficult. These are about Piper, Alex, Larry, and the rest of the characters. NOTE...
*** new levels are coming in future updates, endless fun! You are going to love this game! What’s New Feb 20, 2014 Version 2.2.1 Minor bugs fixed App Privacy The developer,guillaume coulbaux, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. No...
IT WAS ON! WE HAD LITTLE IN CHOICE! Saturday cartoons, which were of higher quality, with the best theme songs, were in the 80s. These Merry Melodies with Mel Blanc vocal characterizations are not. The only good ones were smart thinking like Wile E Coyote and the factory episodes. Bugs ...