A comedy series that's as absurd as it is creative.I'm a Virgostars Jharrel Jerome as Cootie, a 13-foot-tall teenager who, for the first 19 years of his life, has been shielded from the world by his aunt and uncle. However, when a group of political activists accidentally stumble u...
The show has been approved by its USA America network for a third season. In case the original request was accidentally overlooked, or I improperly formatted the request, I'm re-posting it with updated formatting. Thank you again for your hard work and important website. RR Name: Berlin ...
99. The Kelly Clarkson Show (Syndicated by NBCU) How to watch: NBC If you're looking for a pitch-perfect blend of heartwarming stories, pop culture fun, and an incredible showcase of talent all brought to you by one of the most authentic and relatable celebrities out there, The Kelly...
fields, son Dash can move at amazing speeds, etc. But they're all at their absolute best when working together. They're skilled superheroes, yes, and also serviceable detectives...but it all comes together because of their true talent for being a generally loving, supportive family.—Ross ...
The show is supposedly coming back for a Season 3 at some point and, while its mostly on par with something like “The Watcher” or “Ratched” right now, it could evolve to become something more significant. Murphy is good at shocking folks into paying attention, but he often falters ...
Or, your friends can do whatever but you have to be there for them if you are a good friend. It leads me to conclusion that maybe Rae's "gang" should actually work on their stuff as well (self-esteem etc.).All in all, I don't think it is a bad show (hence 7/10), but I...
a hit for almost ten years as NBC floated it all over it's schedule. Yet, the fans continued to follow it. The other thing that made this show was sexpot Crystal Bernard, a survivor from the last season of Happy Days. The show had an incredible ensemble of talent including Bernard, ...
starts a new life in a remote Northern California town. As these things go, she quickly meets Jack (Martin Henderson), a bartender who makes her want to love again. This show really has everything: long lost twin brothers, bombshell pregnancies where it's a mystery who the father is, ...
Infuriating: Although there are many good points to this series, there are some bad ones as well. For example the writers will ramp up the tension and then create a possible resolution to whatever the issue is. The writer will get your hopes up and then dash them time and time again. ...
That being said, I’m happy to announce that we have once again teamed up with our KCPC friends and are giving five lucky readers (2) passes to the event. The best show in the Midwest, hands down, this years celebrity guests include William Shatner, Richard Dreyfuss, Jeffrey Kramer, Jona...