Since it first premiered in 1963, Doctor Who has become a staple of British - and global - television. The regenerating Time Lord explores space and time from his distinctive blue ship, the TARDIS. The lead characters of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 are trapped in a spaceship and...
»The magical 5 sitcom characters Welcome to, the guide to different kinds of comedy series - from radio comedy shows, movies series to most popular, tv comedy series, often simply called sitcoms, although not all of the tv comedy series are actually sitcoms. We gather the...
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia first aired back in 2005, which means it's been running for 17 whole years and is officially the longest-running live action sitcom! If you're looking for a dose of laugh-out-loud comedy we recommend taking a trip to Paddy's Pub in South Philadelphia....
The late, great, Bernie Mac was excellent in this different take on the family sitcom. His character, who uses his name, may be largely fictional, but Mac’s performance as a man suddenly thrust into caring for three children is still very entertaining to watch. Oh, and he breaks the fo...
2 in the 2-day shifted overall eyeballs contest among premieres, behind only ABC’s “Roseanne” revival — if you count that sitcom’s return as a series debut, that is.Also Read: Ratings: 'Big Bang Theory' Final Season Premiere Plummets 41 Percent From Last Year's StartThe “Manifest...
Totah, who co-starred on the NBC sitcom Champions, has announced that she identifies as a transgender female, and will now be known as Josie Totah.The 17-year-old actor made the announcement in an essay for Time magazine entitled “My Name Is Josie Totah — And I’m Ready to Be Free...
Hugh Laurie is a man of many talents. He first rose to fame during the 1980s as one half of the comedy duo Fry and Laurie. After gaining further popularity in the British sitcom "Blackadder," Laurie achieved even greater recognition with leading roles in "House," "Veep," and "Avenue 5...
In the years that followed, theperceived inappropriatenessof pregnancy on television saw a very slow progression. Pregnancy was still private and, as it was presented in the mid-20th century sitcom, remained part of a “traditional” family. ...
In one of the more unique premises in television,The Vicar of Dibleyis a British sitcom based around the law that allowed women to be ordained in the church. The fictional town of Dibley has oddball residents who are surprised when their new vicar is a woman. In 2020, fans of the show...
In 2002,TV Guideranked the Mickey Rooney-led sitcom “One of the Boys” among the 50 Worst Shows of All Time. On the plus side, it inspired one of Dana Carvey’s most indelible celebrity impressions. In one of his earliest roles, the future “Saturday Night Live” cast member costarred...