Chronicling the ups and downs of married life, this popular sitcom follows a young couple as they maneuver through the challenges and rewards of a lasting partnership. Their witty banter and relatable struggles make this show a heartwarming ode to modern love. Premiered: September 23, 1992 Also...
Set in the 1980s, The Goldbergs draws on creator Adam F. Goldberg's real-life childhood experiences to create a hilarious and heartwarming slice-of-life sitcom. The show's humor is fueled by the eccentricities of its characters, including overbearing mother Beverly (Wendi McLendon-Covey) and...
Sarah Shahi and Adam Demos, co-stars of the Netflix show Sex/Life, sparked engagement rumors after the couple were spotted on a romantic holiday together in Italy over the weekend.The on-screen and real-life couple were seen taking a walk near Lake Como, with Shahi donning a shiny new ...
This heartwarming family comedy series is a perfect pick if you're craving another sitcom after finishing One Day At A Time. A family struggles to make the transition from life in Seattle to Georgia. Also ranks #14 on The 150+ Best Netflix Comedy Shows, Ranked Also ranks #18 on The 40...
“Fresh Prince” had to offer, it would probably be remembered today. But what makes it a classic is that the show was just a well-structured and sharply written sitcom, with a classic premise that pits the down to Earth Philly boy Will against his more restrained and conservative Bel-Air...
Michael Urie stars as Peter, whose new beau was hiding the secret of being a married man, forcing Peter to bring his best friend, Nick (Philemon Chambers), home with him for Christmas to pretend they're a couple. But his family (including a wonderful Jennifer Coolidge and Kathy Najimy) ...
Two-part wedding episodes are a big trend in the sitcom industry, and they were an even bigger deal in the ‘90s. Jesse and Rebecca had to overcome absurd circumstances to get hitched, which only made their wedding more rewarding. Plus, Jesse singing the Beach Boys’ "Forever" at the ...
Two-part wedding episodes are a big trend in the sitcom industry, and they were an even bigger deal in the ‘90s. Jesse and Rebecca had to overcome absurd circumstances to get hitched, which only made their wedding more rewarding. Plus, Jesse singing the Beach Boys’ "Forever" at the ...
In 2015 Levy teamed up with his son,Dan Levy, to create and star in the sitcomSchitt’s Creek, which also featured his daughter, Sarah Levy. The show depicts the Rose family: Johnny Rose (Eugene Levy); his wife, Moira Rose (O’Hara); and their children, David Rose (Dan Levy) and...
Two-part wedding episodes are a big trend in the sitcom industry, and they were an even bigger deal in the ‘90s. Jesse and Rebecca had to overcome absurd circumstances to get hitched, which only made their wedding more rewarding. Plus, Jesse singing the Beach Boys’ "Forever" at the ...