Chronicling the ups and downs of married life, this popular sitcom follows a young couple as they maneuver through the challenges and rewards of a lasting partnership. Their witty banter and relatable struggles make this show a heartwarming ode to modern love. Premiered: September 23, 1992 Also...
Sarah Shahi and Adam Demos, co-stars of the Netflix show Sex/Life, sparked engagement rumors after the couple were spotted on a romantic holiday together in Italy over the weekend.The on-screen and real-life couple were seen taking a walk near Lake Como, with Shahi donning a shiny new ...
This TV show, which was sadly cancelled after its third season, has a concept that sounds cooked up by some drunk friends in a bar. Joel and Sheila Hammond are a normal suburban couple, until Sheila becomes a zombie. Santa Clarita Diet explores the bizarre and frequently hilarious unwinding...
Michael Urie stars as Peter, whose new beau was hiding the secret of being a married man, forcing Peter to bring his best friend, Nick (Philemon Chambers), home with him for Christmas to pretend they're a couple. But his family (including a wonderful Jennifer Coolidge and Kathy Najimy) ...
I Love Lucyfeatured thefirst interracial couple, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, as early as 1950. Married in real life, the pair appeared as Lucy and Ricky Ricardo; the latter was of Cuban descent in real life and on the show. As the show spanned six seasons (1951-1957), ...
I Love Lucyfeatured thefirst interracial couple, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, as early as 1950. Married in real life, the pair appeared as Lucy and Ricky Ricardo; the latter was of Cuban descent in real life and on the show. As the show spanned six seasons (1951-1957), ...
Why You Should Watch:Ghostsis a gothic sitcom that takes place in the modern-day inside of a haunted house, but it does include numerous period flashbacks related to the different ghosts living inside the home. Overall, the British version is better, but both make for fun entertainment and ...
dependent children with married couples, adult children with married couples, and dependent children with adults that shared their housing with others. Furthermore, this definition of family had not been limited to a legal marital arrangement, nor was the dependent children status limited to natural ...
Written and cast with the typical LA stereotype, and not one to be promulgated unless it is in Portlandia fashion. This show just inflates the miserable baseless ennui of people who love to be miserable without realizing they and those around hem suffer for it. The actors are doing their jo...
impulsively get married on their first date. the show features themes of love, the clash of cultures and values, and the challenges of marital life as the couple navigates their vastly different backgrounds. their unconventional romance is further complicated by their polar opposite parents, leadin...