The show that redefined '80s nostalgia has gone on to ambitiously incorporate aliens, Cold War and coming-of-age experiences but Stranger Things also doubles as a small town mystery. Not only were many kids experimented upon in a Hawkins lab, the Midwestern town also harbors many everyday hero...
The mystery genre includes stories that revolve around a crime and the adventures of a protagonist as he or she tries to find the perpetrator of the crime. The genre has long been widespread in popular fiction and on the radio, and with the introduction of television, the mystery genre was...
From feel-good sports comedies to British espionage thrillers and genre-busting murder mysteries, here is our list of must-watch shows on the prestige streaming service.
fantasy, humor, and drama, this series has captivated the hearts and minds of many people who love it for what it is: a great show. With 15 seasons and a staggering 327 episodes,Supernaturalmade history as one of the longest-running shows in the fantasy genre, even going so far as to ...
If you’re a fan ofJames Bond, it’s sometimes difficult to find TV series that have its spirit, with globe-trotting locations, sexy parties to ask for unique cocktails, and a deadly line of work. Here are 10 spy TV shows to watch if you love theJames Bondmovies. ...
I've pored over Netflix's release schedule to bring you the best movies and TV shows premiering on the service this month. At the top of the list is Back in Action, a domestic spy thriller/comedy starring Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx. There's also a new
Where to Watch Dear Santa 1 hr 48 mins Likable 6th grader Liam writes to Santa asking him to prove that he's real. But Liam is dyslexic and accidentally sends his letter to Satan instead, who shows up at Liam's house, excited to have his first fanboy letter and wanting a little of...
The best TV shows on Netflix right now include ‘The Madness’ ‘Stranger Things,’‘Squid Game,’‘Baby Reindeer,’ and more. We list the 30 best TV shows streaming on Netflix right now.
Conceived by Mark Frost and David Lynch in 1990, Twin Peaks is a supernatural mystery-drama series that brings FBI Agent Dale Cooper to the quiet town of Twin Peaks to investigate the murder of a young woman named Laura Palmer. As Dale continues his investigation of her death, he learns th...
You can watch the series on Britbox. Content Note:TV-PG. Related:The 35 Best BritBox Shows with Romance to Stream Right Now 4.THE BAKER AND THE BEAUTY(2020) Credit: ABC Studios/Universal Television The Baker and the Beautyis an underrated romantic comedy series about an adorable romance betw...