The Vegas Strip Wars is a 1984 television movie directed by George Englund and starred Rock Hudson, Sharon Stone, James Earl Jones and Pat Morita. The plot involves a charming Las Vegas hotel owner named Neil Chaine who gets fired by his superiors from the hotel-casino where he op...
An investigation team in Las Vegas scours crime scenes for forensic evidence. Number of Seasons: 15 (2000-2015) Network: CBS Genres: Action,Crime,Drama,Mystery,Thriller Dig Deeper The Greatest Guest Stars to Ever Appear on 'CSI' Also ranks #2 on The Best CBS Dramas of All...
Las Vegas (Season 4) (DVD) (2006) American TV Series with English subtitle Cast: James Caan, Molly Sims, Josh Duhamel, Nikki Cox & Vanessa Marcil episode 1-17 end Synopsis: The Strip is more sizzling than ever as Season Four of TV's sexiest show, Las Veg
Locking the legendary Montecito Resort and Casino into the database; here’s everything you need to know about Las Vegas (2003 – 2008).
it got my attention right away. I've been a fan of the movie "Rounders" with Matt Damon and Edward Norton, and most recently the TV series "Vegas", so I was naturally curious to see which way this would go. I have to say this movie was awesome.This is a must see as it shows ...
Las Vegas is a captivating television series set in the bustling city of sin, where casinos reign supreme and the stakes are always high. The show focuses on the inner workings of the Montecito Hotel and Casino, where the charismatic and enigmatic Ed Deline (played by James Caan) serves as...
Las Vegas: Created by Gary Scott Thompson. With Josh Duhamel, James Lesure, Vanessa Marcil, Molly Sims. Welcome to the Montecito Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, where you can do anything you want, but Ed Deline and his crack surveillance team will be wat
James Caan, for example, will appear in "Las Vegas", a new NBC Monday-night drama about a security team at a large casino. Small-screen fixtures like Joe Mantegna and Mary Steenburgen, who star in CBS's "Joan of Arcadia", are well represented also. Here are some of the other ...
The Vegas-set action comedy from the “Cobra Kai” creators Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg and Josh Heald was canceled on Feb. 1. “On the Roam” (Max) – Renewed The Jason Momoa-led travel docuseries was renewed by the streamer for a second season in February. “Orphan Black: Echoes”...