Hilarious Comedy:"The Office" is known for its clever writing, hilarious situations, and memorable characters. The show's mockumentary format, witty dialogue, and well-timed humor create countless laugh-out-loud moments. Relatable Characters:The diverse cast of characters in "The Office" feels real...
The Office (TV Series 2005–2013) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
The series, co-created by The Office’s Greg Daniels and Nathan for You co-creator Michael Koman, will again be a mockumentary and features Domhnall Gleeson (About Time, Ex-Machina) and Sabrina Impacciatore (The White Lotus) leading the ensemble cast. Production on the show will begin in...
All cast & crew Production, box office & more at IMDbPro Storyline EditDid you know Edit Quotes [first lines] Announcer: The Pink Network is on the air. From station KSEX, it's TV as you've never seen it before. Tonight, starring Penthouse Pet Christy Canyon, Ron Jeremy, John Hol...
Escándalo, relato de una obsesión: Created by Aurora Guerra. With Alexandra Jiménez, Fernando Lindez, Antonio Gil, Víctor Duplá. Inés is a 42-year-old woman who, at a difficult moment in her life, plunges into the sea to end her life. Her savior is
Dead Boy Detectives: Created by Steve Yockey. With George Rexstrew, Jayden Revri, Kassius Nelson, Briana Cuoco. Charles Rowland and Edwin Payne choose not to enter the afterlife, instead staying on Earth to investigate crimes that involve the supernatura
Speaking of Road House, the cast of the new Road House reboot had a very important chat with us at the film’s red-carpet premiere at SXSW. There’s even a punch that happens that was caught on camera! 8. Office Space Weirdly, Office Space flopped hard. It only made abou...
they refuse to read the mandated scripts. But, in a tweet on Monday, a WGN producer at a Tribune station Sinclair that is trying to buy, spoke out, "There is NO WAY any of our on-air anchors and reporters will read their scripted messages on our show. Chicago's Very Own, not ...
the world. It is also the highlight of this year’s TV festival. In the "Walk with the times – Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the birth of Chinese TV series", STVFORUM, International TV Showcase, TV Market, Internet Summit and other events held during the TV festival, the ...
Cast: Regina King (2nd position to TNT’s Southland), Andrea Anders (Mr. Sunshine), Jason Jones (The Daily Show), Adam Goldberg, Amy Aquino Team: W/EP Mike Sickowitz (Rules of Engagement), Daniel Lappin, EP Noa Tishby, Jamie Tarses; D Pam Fryman Studio: Sony Pictures Television, ABC...