This scandalous college drama is Hulu's sexiest show. Based on a novel by Carola Lovering,Tell Me Liesfollows the twisted relationships between students at Baird College in the late 2000s, paying particular attention to Lucy (Grace Van Patten) and Stephen (Jackson White), TV's most toxic co...
Created by Emma Moran and directed by Toby McDonald, Jennifer Sheridan, and Nadira Amrani, Extraordinary follows the plight of Jen (Máiréad Tyers), a 25-year-old who didn't get her superpowers in a world where everyone else got theirs at the age of 18. The show's brilliance, beyond...
"I have super powers," a girl named Megan whispers to her doctor in a recent TV show. That's her explanation for how she's able to stand painful cuts and being hit with a base-ball bat--all without feeling any pain. Across the world about a few hundred people suffer from one of ...
Super powers Super duper Boom pow Super powers Let's go 난 포기란 없어 배운 적 없어 첫 발을 내딛어 Look at me Look at me Look at me 내 미래를 찾아 도착한 이 곳 빌딩숲 사이로 보이는 ...
"I have super powers," a girl named Megan whispers to her doctor in a recent TV show. That's her explanation for how she's able to stand painful cuts and being hit with a base-ball bat--all without feeling any pain. Across the world about a few hundred people suffer from one of ...
'Lost' Cast - Where Are They Now? It's Been 20 Years Since The Show Premiered on ABC! 12/26/2024 by Just Jared Just Jared James Gunn is Playing With Fire: The Unforgivable Past of Guy Gardner That Even Nathan Fillion’s Charm Can’t Save in ‘Superman’ ...
What started out as a fun sci-fi drama set in an alternate history in which Russia landed on the the moon before America — locking the two superpowers in an extended space race that lasts for decades — has become one of TV's best shows.Battlestar Galactica'sRonald D. Mooremixes politi...
(Better Call Saul's Bob Odenkirk). At least, that's the plan – providing her loved ones don't interfere and try to make out that her new powers are linked to the family's history of mental health. The show's melding of rotoscoping animation and live-action motion-capture really sets...
Show all Top-selling TV programmes Show all Superman & Lois 3 seasons The Penguin 1 season House of the Dragon 2 seasons The Rising of the Shield Hero - Uncut 3 seasons Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light 1 season Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy- (Simuldub) 2 seasons I Got ...
Show all Top-selling TV programmes Show all Superman & Lois 3 seasons The Penguin 1 season House of the Dragon 2 seasons The Rising of the Shield Hero - Uncut 3 seasons Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light 1 season Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy- (Simuldub) 2 seasons I Got ...