The HBO family series dominates this year’s announcement with a whopping five bids, more than any other television show that aired or streamed within the 2023 calendar year of eligibility. “Succession” receives a drama ensemble nom plus individual citations for Sarah Snook, Brian Cox, Kieran...
Where to find TV show episodes? Slagalica Potera Potjera Idea & Motivation There are two main reasons for doing this project. Reason #1 In the last couple of years, the pub quiz scene in Serbia has seen a rise in popularity. After doing a bit of research and after competing myself in ...
I tried Netflix 4K as well, streaming a couple of episodes of "Breaking Bad" and "House of Cards." The latter looked most impressive, but both appeared slightly better-looking than the Super HD (1080p) stream. I compared the Sony at 4K to the other sets (including the S64) at Super...
Right? My TV supports 4K@120, Dolby, so if a streamed movie is in that format, then I could have the ATV Format menu set as low as, say, 420P SDR and it won't show the movie at that resolution, right? It'll still show it at the format from the source (4K@120, Dolby)? V...
When I watched a show that had a spotlight it 2was like a flashlight was shining through the screen. Th e web os is a little slow but I was able to use youtube tv. You can set the number keys on top to be a shortcut to different apps. Playing 4k120 fps games is insane. I ...
We meet London couple John and Mary, still grieving the disappearance of their daughter Clare ten years ago. John’s an electrician whose work bears the strain, while Mary teaches and finds solace in memories. They’ve survived this long, immersed in routines to avoid facing their loss.So ...; // Show the LED color delay(wait); // and wait before we do the next LED } // if wait } // for Counter; // Show all LEDs } // setAllLEDs Preparing OpenElec (XBMC) – Installing BobLight For your newly assembled Ambient TV lighting/BobLight to work...
This reviewer received promo considerations or sweepstakes entry for writing a review. Great picture. Very vivid. It is a lot heavier than most TVs on the market these days. Probably because of the speakers that sound great. I have had a couple of issues with the picture getting j...
Every time we post an Apple TV-related opinion piece, the comments show that some people are still really upset that Apple left 4K Ultra HD support out of the fourth-generation model when new Roku and Amazon boxes included it. It seems like merely mentioning the new Apple TV is enough to...
Every time we post an Apple TV-related opinion piece, the comments show that some people are still really upset that Apple left 4K Ultra HD support out of the fourth-generation model when new Roku and Amazon boxes included it. It seems like merely mentioning the new Apple TV is enough to...