An adult animated comedy series, this show follows a fictional version of Elvis Presley, a secret agent for the US government in addition to being a rock n’ roll legend. It wascancelledafter one season. Alaska Daily(ABC) This drama follows a journalist (Hilary Swank) who relocates from Ne...
wouldn’t you know it, 1899. The series was co-created by the creators of a different puzzle-box show,Dark, Jantje Friese and Baran bo Odar, who announced the cancellation on January 2, saying, “We would have loved to finish this incredible journey with a second and third season as we...
The scene where the three hapless women, the amateur detectives, try to retrieve the contents of a shredder was dire - men would not have been made to look so inept and silly. I cringed. How this was dragged across two episodes beggars belief. It isn't relatable and doesn't hit either...
The show was originally scheduled to run for two hours, but it ran late. The main event started at about 10:58pmET and the broadcast went off the air at 11:22pmET, but that’s the advantage of airing on WWE Network – they can end it when they want. Here are the results from ...
CSS To Air IKF Kickboxing Show #1 Again This Sunday! For those who might have missed it, CSS has informed us here at the IKF they will be airing IKF Kickboxing Show #1 again this Sunday, September 21st at 6:PM EST. 3, 5 ROUND FIGHTS Justin Pickett Georgia vs Joe Surack, Indiana...