New Girl showcases the hilarious, heartfelt journey of a young woman navigating her thirties while adjusting to life with three male roommates. Zooey Deschanel's charming portrayal of Jess Day resonates with viewers, and the delightful ensemble cast effortlessly explores themes of friendship, lov...
Jessie (TV Series 2011–2015) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Jessie Rogers Jessie (2 episodes, 2023-2024) La Paisita (2 episodes, 2023-2024) Abby Rose (2 episodes, 2024) Rion King (2 episodes, 2022) Lylith Lavey (2 episodes, 2011-2023) Phoenix Marie (3 episodes, 2013-2016) Jasmine Jae (2 episodes, 2014-2015) Julie Cash (2 episodes...
Best in Sex: 2017 AVN Awards: Directed by Gary Miller. With Amirah Adara, Asa Akira, Anikka Albrite, Britney Amber. Considered the industry's highest honor, the AVN Awards celebrates outstanding achievements in the world of adult entertainment in categor
Yes, this was once a Channel 4 show that is now a full-on Netflix production. But Feel Good Season 2 counts on this list as it was entirely filmed and mostly set in the UK with a mainly British cast, and it's so damn bloody excellent I’m including it, alright? Building ...
cast, beautifully unique visuals from French studio Fortiche Productions, and a tale that's built on explosive action and heart-breaking narratives,Arcaneisn't just a show that services LoL fans. No matter if you're a diehard fan or a relative newcomer to the franchise, it'll wow you in...
Jessie Henderson ... assistant: Neal Brennan (unknown episodes) Brad Jasper ... production assistant (unknown episodes) Ben Joseph ... production office intern (unknown episodes) Lukas Kaiser ... assistant to writer / production secretary (unknown episodes) Stephanie L. Leonard ... talent...
Cast:Rob McElhenney, Ashly Burch, Jessie Ennis, Imani Hakim, David Hornsby, Charlotte Nicdao,Danny Pudi Mythic Questhas been renewed through season 4, so there's no excuse for you not to watch 16of 31 Pachinko(2022–present) Lee Minho and Jae Jun Park on 'Pachinko'.Robert Falconer/Apple...
as McElhenney plays the egotistical creative director of a popular MMORPG that's seemingly always in trouble in some way or another.F. Murray Abrahamleaves the show in Season 3 (in spectacular fashion, I might add), but the excellent cast still includesDanny Pudi,Ashly Burch,Jessie Ennis,Dav...
Dash & Lilyis a delightful holiday rom-com series about two young New Yorkers who connect through a notebook exchange. It’s an adorable and festive addition to the genre with a good cast. Plus, the NYC filming locations bring an air of authenticity to the show. ...