Heart-rending, infuriating, and rife with shattering setbacks and grand triumphs—Friday Night Lightsis all of these, and in those ways it resembles the game around which the tiny town of Dillon, Texas, revolves. “Tender” and “nuanced” aren’t words usually applicable to the gridiron, but...
Friday Night Lights is one of all-time favorite shows. It's is so criminally underrated it's ridiculous! It is just an absolute amazing show! The show is based off the book and the film but is so much better than even those two. It takes place in the small Texas town of Dillon, ...
Friday Night Lights (TV Series 2006–2011) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Friday Night Lights Years: 2006-2011Length: 5 seasons, 76 episodesCreators: Peter Berg, Jason Katims “Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose.” TV hasn’t really been the same without Coach Taylor, the leading man of the NBC hit that aired for years. There’s a remarkable array of qua...
Friday Night Lights Years: 2006-2011Length: 5 seasons, 76 episodesCreator: Peter Berg “Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose.” TV hasn’t really been the same without Coach Taylor, the leading man of this NBC hit. There’s a remarkable array of quality highs and lows in its five-ye...
Friday Night Lights By Jessica M. GoldsteinPublished: Jul 26, 2010Let's just say you were in some dire situation and the sound on your TV stopped working smack in the middle of an episode of Friday Night Lights. Tragic right? Yet, even without the twanged and awesomely realistic dialogue...
6. “Friday Night Lights” (2006-2011) “Friday Night Lights”Bill Records/NBC-TV/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock It’s a testament to the show that, aside from the pantheon-level marriage of Coach and Mrs. Taylor, two of “Friday Night Lights'” best seasons (1 and 5) had almost entirely dif...
After appearing in guest roles on various TV shows, Jordan was cast in 2009 as a high-school quarterback in the popular seriesFriday Night Lights. Before that show ended in 2011, he also portrayed (2010–11) Alex, a loving character with a troubled past, onParenthood. Jordan subsequently fo...
Friday Night Lights displays the stress that the town gives the high school players to win, and the hope that the team gives to a small town, and how a team has its low points, its high points, and how they come together as a team on their way to victory. ...
Emily Yahr