Bad Girls: Created by Maureen Chadwick, Ann McManus, Eileen Gallagher. With Kika Mirylees, Victoria Alcock, Helen Fraser, Jack Ellis. British hard-hitting drama about the staff and inmates of a women's prison.
Bad girls club is the side of reality television that I can't get enough of. Later seasons are heavily produced and are a lot less entertaining or interesting to watch but the first 7 seasons show some very raw, intimate, and vulnerable moments that depict real women going through real thi...
“No, really,” your friends may have told you, “I promise this animated show about a washed-up talking horse actor is actually one of the best stories about depression, addiction, Hollywood, and our obsession with redeeming bad men ever made.” In case you need a second opinion: your ...
As Rory Gilmore's academic rival and eventual best friend in Gilmore Girls, Liza Weil brings a biting wit and fierce intelligence to the show. Paris's relentless pursuit of excellence and her commitment to being the best often put her at odds with those around her, but her journey to self...
"Bad Girls" Reunion with Andie MacDowell, Dermot Mulroney, Mary Stuart Masterson/Drew's News: With Drew Barrymore, Ross Mathews, Andie MacDowell, Mary Stuart Masterson. Andie MacDowell, Dermot Mulroney and Mary Stuart Masterson (movie, "Bad Girls"); Drew
If Breaking Bad was a show about a man willingly becoming evil, Better Call Saul was a show about a man trying so hard to take the righteous path, but falling victim to everything put in his way. This drama has some of the best writing and acting in the history of TV. It’s ...
The second season was undistinguished - like a run of the mill sit-com. Not premium channel worthy. The show lost its punch. Additionally, the plots and subplots were not as well developed as they were in the first season. If there is a third season, I hope the writers revert back to...
the missing daughter of a somewhat famous movie producer, but it isn't until later in the series thatSugardrops one of the craziest twists in TV history (spoilers inside), and the show transforms into something else while also holding firm to its noir roots. Is it a better show for it?
A teenager's friend shows him a mysterious late-night TV show visible in static that shows a strange other world — and nothing about his life will ever be the same again. It's a slow burn, butI Saw the TV Glowis the sort of movie that worms your way into your brain and stays th...
surrounded by only the purest of heart, but the show doesn’t hold it against her. If anything, following in the grand tradition of sitcoms, the show knows that we’re all bad people at one time or another. —Michael Snydel 8.Unbelievable...