Based on the EL James series of the same name The Vampire Diaries follows the unpredictable life of Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev), a sixteen-year-old Mystic Falls teenager whose life is upended after she discovers vampires, witches, and werewolves. While the show is introduced as a vampire-foc...
But the real standout is the connection to folklore and mythology.Legaciesisn’t just a show about witches, werewolves, or vampires. It’s also about forgotten mythological monsters, and I love it. Oh, and there’s a lot of teen love to go around too. Where To Watch:Stream on Netflix...
(Show more) Show More Kathy Bates(born June 28, 1948, Memphis,Tennessee, U.S.) is an American actress of stage, screen, and television, especially known for her portrayals of strong women who act against the socialmilieu. She won anAcademy Awardforbest actressfor her chilling performance ...
True Blood dives into the supernatural world of vampires, werewolves, and witches while focusing on strong, multifaceted female characters navigating love triangles and personal dilemmas. Anna Paquin's portrayal of Sookie Stackhouse showcases her journey toward independence and empowerment in a world ...
Well, that is the situation poor Tiuri finds himself in just days after being lined up to try and become a knight. The poor failed knight faces huge threats including the greatest witches of all who can twist the elements against his favour to an army of Red Riders who doesn’t want hi...
Council of Fairborn Witches and their rivals, the Blood Witches. As an open conflict between the factions breaks out, Nathan forms a bond with his fellow witches, Annalise O’Brien (Nadia Parkes) and Gabriel (Emilien Vekemans), as he goes on a quest to learn more about his emerging ...
A Discovery of Witches: With Matthew Goode, Teresa Palmer, Alex Kingston, Gregg Chilingirian. Forbidden love blossoms between a witch and vampire after an ancient manuscript is uncovered, pitting them against supernatural forces vying for its coveted sec
the witch disguised as Wanda’s neighbor. Freed from the sitcom world and joined by a goth teen familiar (Joe Locke), Agatha puts together a coven of witches — including Aubrey Plaza, Patti LuPone, and Sasheer Zamata — to travel down the Witches’ Road for some mysterious magical reward....
The Cleveland ShowTV14 • Black Stories, Adult Animation • TV Series (2009) King of the HillTV14 • Adult Animation, Comedy • TV Series (1997) Crossing SwordsTVMA • Adult Animation, Comedy • TV Series (2020) Bless the HartsTV14 • Adult Animation, Comedy • TV Series ...
The successful interpretations like Wicked or the mini-series Tin Man don’t come along often, and in the meanwhile we have features like the shameful cash-in The Muppet’s Wizard of Oz, the dark Return to Oz, the regretful The Wiz, and now The Witches of Oz. This latest incarnation ...