This gripping drama showcases the chaos that unfolds when a deadly epidemic breaks out in Atlanta. As authorities scramble to enforce a strict quarantine zone, those trapped inside must navigate their way through the treacherous landscape of fear, desperation, and survival. Premiered: ...
Which video game TV show are you most looking forward to? Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Like a Dragon: Yakuza Arcane: Season 2 The Last of Us: Season 2 Fallout: Season 2 The Witcher: Season 4 and 5 Other (Tell us in the comments.) AnswerSee Results The following ...
A post-apocalyptic sci-fi drama, The 100 follows a group of juvenile delinquents sent to Earth from a dying space station to determine if the planet is habitable after a nuclear apocalypse. The series pushes traditional action boundaries with its brutal survival scenarios, intricate political dynami...
Like Druckmann’s video game upon which the show is based, the framework of “The Last of Us” works like an apocalyptic road adventure, as Joel begrudgingly tries to keep himself and Ellie alive. But the core of the series is much more intricate than that. Mazin and Druckmann often echo...
Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the film delves into humanity’s fight for survival against otherworldly invaders. The combination of an engaging plot, compelling characters, and high production value makes this a standout project in the genre. Whether you’re an aspiring actor looking to land...
and it could stand out from the postapocalyptic video game adaptations that already exist by leaning into the series’ horror elements. The Metro games are technically already adaptations as they’re based on books, but that didn’t stop The Witcher from eventually getting a TV show that took...
This short-lived post-apocalyptic zombie world is one that, over time, has been proven an underrated sleeper hit. Netflix hasn’t deemed the series worthy of a second season beyond its first. The series focuses on high school students who have managed to survive the zombie apocalypse. The ...
Two hundred years have passed since the beginning of the apocalypse. Leaving the atomic shelter that protected them will pave the way to an unknown world that will unleash a war for survival. 8.9/10(16K) Watch options Unknown Contribute to this page ...
who has lost the ability to feel empathy tackles a murder case amid political corruption.",29.247,8.5,136 2021-06-17,114868,Record of Ragnarok,終末のワルキューレ,"Before eradicating humankind from the world, the gods give them one last chance to prove themselves worthy of survival. Let...
Fallout: Created by Geneva Robertson-Dworet, Graham Wagner. With Ella Purnell, Aaron Moten, Walton Goggins, Moises Arias. In a future, post-apocalyptic Los Angeles brought about by nuclear decimation, citizens must live in underground bunkers to protect