A veterinarian, an engineer, and a trainer rely on their dogs in the wild. Premiered: December 14, 2021 Also ranks #28 on The 65 Best TV Shows About Dogs, Ranked Also ranks #40 on The 55+ Best National Geographic Shows Also ranks #83 on The Most Exciting Reality Shows Ever Made 59...
Based on the beloved books by James Herriot, this heartwarming series follows the trials and tribulations of a young veterinarian in rural 1930s England. With its idyllic countryside setting and charming characters, it's the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Premiere...
On Saturday, the Nat Geo Wild show about a veterinarian who specializes in large farm animals scored record ratings for its season premiere, becoming the most-watched telecast in network history, per Nielsen’s Live Plus Same Day ratings. The Season 7 opener scored 1.1 million total viewers ...
(Chris Elliott); and Jocelyn Schitt (Jennifer Robertson), the mayor’s wife and the Jazzagals’ coordinator. Major love interests for the Rose children include Patrick Brewer (Noah Reid), who marries David, and veterinarian Ted Mullens (Dustin Milligan), who helps Alexis mature into a ...
Dr. Ross Henderson, DVM, from Animal Planet's Hanging with the Hendersons is known as "the Singing Veterinarian." He has crafted soothing tunes for you and your pup in the newly released DOGTV show called Bedtime Ballads. Watch all 10 episodes, with your pup, only on DOGTV!
The TV show also showcases the very real and genuine affection the three vets have for each other since they met while studying at Tuskegee University. “We are literally best friends,” says Dr. Ross. “Our wives hang out with each other.” The trio practiced veterinarian medicine in Nev...
Set in the picturesque Yorkshire Dales during the 1930s, the show follows James Herriot, a newly qualified veterinarian, as he navigates the challenges and joys of rural practice. The heartwarming series beautifully depicts the tight-knit community, the endearing relationships between humans and ...
Mark and Katya head to the rendezvous point, but Alex has one last stop. He drives to a veterinary office in the nearby town of Easton, where he finds two veterinarians tending to Christoph’s gunshot wound. He knew Christoph wouldn’t risk going to a hospital, and this is the closest...
Nancy: Created by Sidney Sheldon. With Renne Jarrett, Robert F. Simon, John Fink, Celeste Holm. Nancy Smith was the daughter of the President of the United States. She met a young veterinarian and they fell in love. But, two agents of the secret service
The shop owner explained that the veterinarian had examined the little puppy and had discovered it didn’t have a hip socket. It would always limp. It would always be lame. The little boy became excited. “That is the puppy that I want to buy.” ...