Venture onto the lawless frontier of the 19th-century railroad boom as former Confederate soldier Cullen Bohannon seeks vengeance amidst the cutthroat world of building the First Transcontinental Railroad. This thrilling series is filled with danger, corruption, and adventure. Premiered: November 6...
Instead of just giving the history, the writers decided to centre the series on the native Americans. This means that the common theme is that the white/US expansion into the west is bad and that whites are evil. You can sense the delight in Peter Coyote's voice as he details Custer's...
Set against a backdrop of greed and corruption, this modern Western offers a gritty and intense look at building America's first transcontinental railroad. Premiered: November 6, 2011 Network: AMC Dig Deeper The Most Accurate TV Shows About The Wild West Also ranks #5 on The 50+ Best ...
but Amazon'sWheel of Timeis based on another popular high fantasy book series and has its own goals of becoming the nextGame of Thrones. It's got the usual fantasy boxes to check off: a prophecy about a powerful young person who will save the world, vast world-building that ...
The series filmed in Miami in 2016 on Miami-Dade Transit Metrorail's Brickell Station, Pelican Harbor Marina, Opa-locka Airport, Cultural Center Plaza, Metro Flagler Building, and Miami International Airport. 12 Duels Duels is a television series about Malcolm, an American student, that ...
Hell on Wheels is a Western thriller drama series created by Joe and Tony Gayton. The AMC series follows Cullen Bohannon, a former Confederate soldier who joins the railroad construction to find the Union soldiers who killed his wife and son during the Civil War. See full article at Cinema ...
Answer:a railroad A winning poker hand, and Benjamin Calhoun became the new owner of the fledgling, nearly completed Buffalo Pass, Scalplock and Defiance (BPS&D)railroad line. Calhoun's attentions shifted to the successful operation of his new acquisition. Assisting Calhoun in building his railroad...
‘The Underground Railroad’ Amazon Prime Video, 2021 Kyle Kaplan/Amazon Studios Barry Jenkins’ miniseries about slavery is the greatest technical achievement in television history. And with all due respect toGame of Thrones, the newLord of the Ringsseries, or any of the medium’s other recent...
How ‘Goosebumps: The Vanishing’ Cleared Four Minutes of Taylor Swift’s “Down Bad” and Crafted a Cinematic, Dual-Generation Soundtrack ‘Frasier’ Revival Done at Paramount+ After Two Seasons SNL Damon Wayans on Why He “Purposefully” Got Himself Fired From ‘SNL’: “I Snapped” ...
Glenn and the group arrive at the CDC only to find it seemingly abandoned, and they are about to leave until a door opens, bathing the group in light. "TS-19"; Following their arrival at the CDC, Glenn takes advantage of the building's luxuries (food, clean clothes, etc.), and ...