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Never miss another moment. With Multi View, you can play your social feeds alongside the TV program, all at once, on The Serif. Simply cast your phone to your TV with screen mirroring to split the big TV screen*. Handy if you want to catch that live workout, without missi...
With Multi View, you can play your social feeds alongside the TV program, all at once, on The Serif. Simply cast your phone to your TV with screen mirroring to split the big TV screen*. Handy if you want to catch that live workout, without missing a second of your fav...
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UpdatedJul 23, 2023 C eddami/XmlTvSharp Star2 Code Issues Pull requests A high-performance, asynchronous XMLTV parser for TV program data. epgxmltvxmltv-formatxmltv-epg UpdatedJan 24, 2024 C# abcxmltvxmltv-epgchannels-dvr-servercustom-channelspeacock-tv ...
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Code Issues Pull requests react music hooks website app events web schedule online component guide vod tv television epg program harmonogram eletronic Updated Dec 25, 2023 TypeScript mediathekview / mediathekviewweb Star 940 Code Issues Pull requests Eine Weboberfläche als Alternative zum Java...
CVE-2014-4377:Binamuse VRT 的 Felipe Andres Manzano 与 iSIGHT Partners GVP Program 合作发现 Apple TV 适用于:Apple TV 第 3 代及更新机型 影响:打开恶意制作的 PDF 文件可能会导致应用程序意外终止或信息泄露 描述:处理 PDF 文件时存在越界内存读取问题。已通过改进边界检查解决这个问题。
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