热知识,从去年开始f1就不用sky了,现在基本是alex jacques加个其他嘉宾(前几年常看f2的应该对jacques...
x滌絢撲謚 华3偃L
Sky Sport F1 (2013– ) Vicky Piria: Self - Bordocampista e inviataIt looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet.Be the first to contribute! Add a photo or add a quote. See also Release Dates | Official Sites | Company Credits | Filming & Production | Technical Specs ...
Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets
锁ip,而且不仅买的时候锁,看的时候也锁,其实世界上大部分大点的国家都不能用F1 tv pro(可以看直播),因为这些国家f1的转播权都被买走了,所以最多只有F1 tv access(只有录播和节目),F1官方要是再提供直播那就是自由媒体违约。 来自Android客户端13楼2021-04-28 00:14 回复 abc...
f1 tv的international频道,或者sky f1,espn//@你过来鸭_: 这个解说员的声音要在哪里看才能听到啊? @金昊楠KIMI_JIN_ #F1冷数据# 只要Crofty一说“You can hear the cheers of the crowd”,拉塞尔就会撞车退赛#F1##2024f1澳大利亚大奖赛#(via.ScrewderiaF1) L金昊楠KIMI_JIN_的微博视频 ...
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F1TV+sky.uk周四采访合剪中字,两边采访基本都是先回顾摩纳哥再展望升级。 排位赛时的挡车错误 - “我应该自己再警惕些的,更多的环顾一下。”正赛带回就好 - “我们还注意到我的车上有个‘small thing’,所以这周...
noxious gas, after which a much larger balloon breaches the water and ascends into the sky, the ninja hanging on below. After the credits, the ninja lands not far away at the entrance to a casino, where he strips off his outer layer of black clothing to reveal a tuxedo, and we go ...