Tv-Box: Innovative Ip-TV and Video Player Integrated with the Apple Ecosystem! Tv-Box is raising the bar among leading ip-TV and video players to be published on the Apple App Store! Continuously present among Apple's exclusive applications for 11 years, Tv-Box attracts attention with its ...
由于搬家升级,现出售一台几乎全新的Apple TV Box!这台设备支持4K HDR,配备了32GB的存储空间,绝对是你家庭娱乐的绝佳选择。无论是观看Netflix、MUSIC,还是通过App Store下载各种应用,都能享受到流畅的体验。此外,它还支持AirPlay,你可以用iPhone轻松分享照片和影片。802.11ac Wi-Fi和Gigabit以太网接口,让你的网络连接...
The Apple TV set-top box does a lot more than just the Apple TV app. Some users may be happy with the Apple TV app on their smart TV or third party streaming device, but they may be missing out on some key features. With the Apple TV app on your smart TV or third party ...
The Apple TV box offers many more features. The Apple TV app on third party streaming devices offers access to: the catalog of iTunes Store movies and TV shows (buy and rent); the Apple TV+ channel featuring Apple Originals (subscription); other premium subscription channels. The Apple TV ...
Apple TV 让人非常喜爱,我常常用他来观看Netflix上的流媒体和利用AirPlay来播放iTunes 上的音乐。 但就像所有的苹果设备一样,它们总是存在着这样或那样的限制。 与 Boxee Box 相比,它们各有各的优势。下面来看看我们喜欢和不喜欢Apple TV的地方。 喜欢Apple TV的地方 1 、AirPlay 非常的酷,尤其是现在其他应用...
Just like at its March 25 event, however, the excellent Apple TV box itself went virtually unmentioned. Instead, we got pricing on those services, including an offer that basically makes Apple TV Plus a free throw-in. The key to that service is Apple's TV app, which will serve as ...
The new Apple TV will feature Apple's latest A8 system-on-a-chip and a "dramatic increase" in internal storage, well beyond the 8GB included in the current third-generation set-top box. The addition of Siri will enable Apple TV owners to control a wide selection of HomeKit-enabled home...
因为我简单鼓捣了一下我的 Apple TV. 发现它用起来其实非常棒。 不夸张滴说。 可以用「地表最强电视盒子」来形容。 视频在这里: 爱瞎折腾的老孙 8 但众所周知,这玩意国内不卖。 所以不少人催我写篇入手指南。 今天就来填坑! PS:我用过 Chromecast、以前用的 Mibox 国际版、现在的是 Apple TV HD. ...
Apple TV 4K的价格要高得多:32GB型号的价格为179英镑(179美元,210澳元),而64GB型号的价格为199英镑(199美元,280澳元)。这样,它比Roku的价格要贵得多,尽管Apple Box确实提供了存储空间,更好的图片增强技术和更复杂的功能-稍后我们将介绍。特征 Apple TV 4K是复杂的视频流媒体和2019年的Hi-Fi?屡获殊荣...
专利名称 支架(壁挂式-APPLE-TV-BOX) 申请号 2021306038821 申请日期 2021-09-13 公布/公告号 CN307066046S 公布/公告日期 2022-01-14 发明人 彭铁军 专利申请人 深圳市原源本本实业有限公司 专利代理人 - 专利代理机构 - 专利类型 外观设计 主分类号 14-06(13) 住所 广东省深圳市龙岗区平湖街道平新北路129...