After being lured to New York under false pretenses, dealing with her overbearing mother and an addiction to alcohol lead to a mental collapse. Institutionalized, Farmer is abused by patients and staff alike. Following her release, Farmer hosts a local Indianapolis TV show until her deat...
Taking a thought-provoking dive into the dark side of technology and modern society's dependence on it, this dystopian anthology explores themes of surveillance, social media addiction, and innovative advancements. However, the show doesn't shy away from its provocative nature, leaving viewers with...
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3— horror/comedy Big George Foreman: The Miraculous Story of the Once and Future Heavyweight Champion of the World— drama Big Time Adolescence— comedy/drama The Big Ugly— drama The Bikeriders— drama Billie (2020)— documentary Bill & Ted Face the Music— sci-fi/comedy Th...
Arcanefollows Vi, Jinx, Jayce, and other characters as they embark on their respective journeys towards becoming the heroes and villains of Riot's popular multiplayer game. With its all-star cast, beautifully unique visuals from French studio Fortiche...
Rather, it proved to be really convenient for us so that we can watch all those TV shows and the shows being streamed online. No doubt, watching television on smartphones has gained popularity over time. And, this popularity has turned into such an addiction that none of us wants to ...
The fifth edition of the addiction severity index The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is 12 years old and has been revised to include a new section on family history of alcohol, drug, and psychiatric proble... AT Mclellan,H Kushner,D Metzger,... - 《J Subst Abuse Treat》 被引量: 5261...
when "joystick" referred to the thing sticking out of the machine you shoved your quarters into. This year's Game Developer's Conference, which goes down in San Francisco between February 28 and March 4, will pay particular attention to that facet of our shared experience with 11 developer-...
Beth Harmon (Anya Taylor-Joy). Tragedy and fantasy engage in a complicated dance in Scott Frank’s scripts, as Beth is fed (and quickly develops an addiction to) tranquilizers as an 8-year-old child, something that opens her mind up but (obviously) plagues her throughout her young adult...
The best TV shows on Netflix right now include ‘The Madness’ ‘Stranger Things,’‘Squid Game,’‘Baby Reindeer,’ and more. We list the 30 best TV shows streaming on Netflix right now.
The unhinged character is only anchored by his one true love, Emily (Ciara Bravo), but his undiagnosed PTSD from the war leads to a life of drug addiction and crime. Cherry on Apple TV+ Finch In Finch, Tom Hanks stars as the titular character, a robotics engineer and one of the few ...